The Sports Betting Champ System Review

The Sports Betting Champ System is a sports betting system developed by John Morrison, an Ivy League graduate from Cornell University with a PhD in statistics. On the sales page there are some lofty claims that the system is “the ultimate foolproof sports betting system” and that he makes over “$70,000 every week betting on sports”. These claims are combined with screenshots of his betting account showing a balance of $185,819.80 for the month of December 2009.

As you scroll down the page you are assaulted with photos of scribbled “testimonials”, grainy scans of betting slips, and more claims that read so outrageously that they scream “scam!”. There is even a photo of Hillary Clinton, in what appears to be an attempt to legitimise the claims through random political association. To top it off there is a link to a page with over 1,000 supposed customer testimonials, all scans of scribbled letters with handwriting that looks very similar.

After reading everything on the Sports Betting Champ System page (including all the testimonials), my initial reaction was to assume that the system was a scam, so I popped onto Google expecting to find details confirming my suspicions. After a few hours searching it soon became clear that most posts about the system were in fact positive. However I was still sceptical, as it is widely known how easy it is to modify pictures. The reasons for my suspicions are:

* The claimed profits are large to the point of being unbelievable

* It is easy to modify screenshots using an image editor

* The scans of the betting slips are grainy enough to hide any modifications

* The scans of the customer testimonials have surprisingly similar handwriting

I was convinced that this was a well put together and extremely elaborate scam. The best counterfeiters aim to have their products pass judgement by attention to detail, but also by “blurring things around the edges” so things aren’t so sharp that they stand out. After studying the images it became clear that they were either very well forged or they were indeed genuine. I figured that a one-off outlay of a few hundred dollars was a small price to pay to determine once and for all if the Sports Betting Champ System is a scam.

Now it would be easy for me to take the claims on the Sports Betting Champ System website and compare them to my findings. But the simple truth is – the Sports Betting Champ System actually works, and the claims can be realised (but only if you follow the instructions and place large bets). I started with a $10 betting unit, and a bankroll of a few hundred dollars. I was happy to risk this much as I am a regular sports bettor and historically on the whole I manage to place good bets (although still losing a few hundred dollars a month on average).

After 2 months of betting, following the instructions to the letter, and betting on NBA, MLB and NFL. In total I placed 73 bets (every single bet that the Sports Betting Champ System provided during the 2 months), and the record of those bets was 71-2. That’s right, only 2 of the bets lost in the 2 months of betting! After the first few successes I honestly couldn’t believe this system was actually working! Needless to say, in that 2 month period I turned my bankroll from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, and was able to increase my betting unit from $10 to $200.

I was probably the most sceptical reader before joining the Sports Betting Champ System, but now the profits speak for themselves. I wasn’t going to give the system a chance, but I’m glad I spent the few hundred to join as the investment has repaid itself a hundred times over! Follow the links below to join the Sports Betting Champ System.


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